Monday, February 3, 2014

The Success of Others, Part 1, The Kellogg Show

As we've been doing all of our research, knowing what we were hoping for out of this journey, I've found so many families who are already in the middle of their full time RVing adventure.  I'm not kidding.... so many families.  I can't wait to share some of their stories too because I think it's cool seeing how these other families are successful in their adventures.  A fellow photographer pointed me in the direction of one family that I hadn't yet heard of.  I want to share with you one of their recent posts in particular, because I think it speaks to the masses of what some might perceive when they hear about this lifestyle, and what it's truly like. 
 I look forward to hopefully meeting this fun loving family on the road!

Please click the title to read....
Damn, Your Life Must Totally Suck!
By, The Kellogg Show

The Kellogg Family..... happily living their own adventure!

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